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When will the update be out?


The update is going to be out on the last Saturday of the month. So 0.7 will be released June 26th due to some delays on our end.

My programmer had a lot of work to do with his primary employment and I spent the past month stressing over my grandmother's health which led May to being less productive than either of us would've liked.


I'm sorry to here about your grandmother I hope she feels well soon. you have my support


Hey Rook I just wanted to ask how your grandmother is doing  I know I already commented say hope she feels better  and how you have my support but I just wanted to ask 


She's doing okay, the situation still isn't great, but we're doing what we can. :'D


that's good to hear. I'm happy knowing she on her way to recovery 

I wish it was only birthday (its july 27th but no stress), also hope your grandmother is okay <3