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Hi, is this the software you mentioned in another post that will feature Holocraft? Is there any plan to add it in the near future?

It's definitely on the horizon. However, it would be an image-based version of Holocraft which generates a mesh from an image and then generates the specular hologram from that mesh. This is in contrast with the existing standalone Holocraft tool which loads up 3D model geometry only.

Thanks for the info. One last question, the current 3D standalone version that you mention is it available for buying? Both sound pretty interesting to me to explore. If there is a way to get my hands on a copy of the software just let me know. :)

Holocraft was never released to the public for a few different reasons; one of them being that it was never meant to be sold to and used by anybody other than myself. However, there has been a few very interested parties with which I have struck deals that made Holocraft's development time well worth it - with the price taking into account the fact that there's no other software like it on the market.