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(1 edit)


Sorry for the late reply. I have been out of action the last month. I have not been able to make any progress with the game.

First all. Thank you so very much for taking the time to do a review. Reading this has helped fuel the flame to want to get back on track and it’s this.

2.1 was not exactly ready for the public. But seeing as I am a no one I figured I would upload it for family and friends to see what I was working on.

I have added you on discord and would love to talk to you more about things that can be improved.

I am currently at work right now by when I get home tonight I am going to reply and address some of the points you raised. Mainly to document what I was thinking when I done that so I can try see trends on what bad thinking is.

I look forward to seeing whatever progress you make! The game has great potential, but needs a lot of polishing!

yeah as this is my first ever rpgmaker project I have not tried to polish too much in fear of it still subject to so much change. Once I lock down the story I’ll have a lot more room to play with stuff such as better textures. More diverse bgm and se.  Overall I think the entire game will be recreated with 100% my own textures music sprites etc. so for now my focus is getting to a stage where I am happy to sit down and do all that work. But fir now, still learning what I can and how I can add to the game. This has all been from YouTube research lol. So I know I got ways to go.