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Great game! I really like the gameplay, art, and music

A few suggestions I have from playing it:

The shooting itself felt nice, although it might be better if the direction the player is facing could be influenced by the mouse instead of the keyboard since shooting a bullet behind you looks a little unnatural. 

You might want to consider increasing the screen size a little, because by the time you see an enemy it has already shot at you, giving you very little time to react. 

The hitboxes on the main enemy type also are a little small, I've had a few bullets fly through the top of their heads.

This is probably already part of your plan, but it would add a bit of polish if the level end square had a texture, even if it were just a ball or something. 

Overall the game works really well and was fun to play, good luck with updating it!

Thanks so much for the feedback! I intend to make the player only be able to shoot in front of him in the next update, cause I recognized that it didn't feel right the way it was currently. I'll be sure to play around with screen size though, as that was an area I hadn't really thought about, same with enemy hitboxes. I'm really glad that you enjoyed it, and it'll definitely receive some polish in the coming weeks.