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Hey Appa's Papas, the installer was created with the inno setup, this is the best tutorial for to made a custom setup with your logo:

And about the game, we appreciate your feedback, now  we are working  in to fix this, we are changing the intro for to skip the cinematic, also  we will fix the background with a little blur and  fix the level design because it's true that in the beggining it's true that we have a lot of mechanics , the only thing that i don't know how to fix, is the button when we want to go back, i use a coroutine without time (0.0f) this in theory it does have not to delay, but if it does, then i gonna see others codes o metods for to fix this.

Finally about the second scene it's an extra scene, in the next version this boss will be alive, then the player have to jump for the platforms, some of this are static and some platforms goes to falling.

Thanks for your feedback, soon we gonna publish the next version with this changes, we gonna keep working.


Thanks for sharing the installer trick! I'm definitely gonna look into it.

For the menu, if you can, I'd recommend checking out this Udemy course: . Obviously try to get it at the reduced price, but he goes over a very handy and flexible menu system/ save system you can use on all your games