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I'm honestly surprised at how much I fell in love with this game. The way it hooks you in and keeps you hanging, the way it makes you feel something towards the characters--amazing writing all the way through. The character design is beautiful, as always(Cece is my favorite, just like most of the ones here). The dynamics between characters are fluid and feel real enough, but not too real to the point it becomes a parody. The twists in Chapter 5 were pleasant, and I hope more of the characters get explored in the upcoming chapters, like Matt and his relationship with Linda, Chris and Christine, and the MC's family, stepsis and father especially.

Going into Leap of Faith with no expectations definitely helped as well, as I never really expected that adult visual novels would be this well done. But I guess you proved me wrong. Hope there are more sensual, feel-good, and somber moments in the upcoming chapters. 



It's one of only two games that have ever made me cry irl. The other was Acting Lessons. :D

i thought the whole point of a parody was to create a ridiculous imitation of something. The way these girls have been written isn't exactly that far from being realistic although of course there are some exceptions with some of the girls, but definitely not in any way a parody which i suppose would have been exceptionally easy to do. 

Cece felt the most real, in terms of how she feels, how she communicates, and how she almost took her own life on the bridge. I felt overwhelming emotions towards her and I couldn't help but fall in love with her and want to protect from herself without adding to her own internal struggles.  It really takes a lot for something to get me emotionally in any sense of the word, and there are only 2 vn's that have, this and another vn. There is also an avn that hit me emotionally too, so it takes a lot for something to hit me, and the fact that this did means in mind that this was written exceptionally well, the writer got the correct ambiance of most of the characters perfectly, and because they where so well written i could relate to them as if they where real. I rarely feel that in everyday life, due to my own internal issues. 

I dont make friends easily and barely have any, because of the way they shit on me in the past, and i felt a rapore with all these girls, and i know it sounds silly, but i felt something so much more than I normally would, in fact i felt like they really were friends, and i just hope this story can go on and on,  and get the dad and creep done away with, and focus more on the mc and the girls, and whatever stories the writer can come up with. i really dont want anything bad to come to any of them, including the mc even though he is a bit of doofus at times, which is not so bad i dont like him..he is fine the way he is as long as the writer doesn't go overboard with the way he speaks at times, i am just loving the girls and interactions between them and the mc, would be nice if there was just a teenie bit more sex scenes between the mc and the char he falls in love with, and if its robin and kira, then he shouldnt get punished for having sex with either robin or kira, since she says they want to bring the mc into their relationship, it shouldnt matter really.