I remember that you first drew your characters from face but you then decided to redraw then from top because the game view is from top.
However, they become unrecognizable from top, your goblins look like cockroaches with their bulky body and thin limbs, characters lack...well, character from a top perspective. :-3
You think too much logically and not enough gameplay wise.
Yes, it is logical from a top down perspective to see characters from top, but is it fun to see only the top of the head of the characters? That is the question which matters in a game.
Look, almost all top down games show their characters from face, back and sides because that it is more enjoyable to see them this way than stuck with the top of their head, you are used to play such games yourself and you never complained that was illogical, you just enjoy the view, don't you?
Would you enjoy as much if all that you saw was the top of everything?
That would not only be less enjoyable to see but that would also make playing much less fun as it would be complicated to recognize things from top, don't you think?
Then how about you try to use face, sides and back views of units as they turn instead of top view and see if I stop calling your goblins "cockroaches"? ;-3