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This is awesome. Nice procedural generation.

I think that it would be cool if your work was implemented in Unreal Engine's blueprint (visual scripting). I also think the map created by the medieval fantasy city generator can be modeled using modular medieval village packs in a procedural way(like toy town). It would be best if you could walk around the town with HTC vive! Unfortunately, I do not know much about procedural generation(perlin noise is everything i know). So, if you can, can you give me some advice on what to learn to make this wonderful work? I really want to move your nice generator to the Unreal Engine.

Here is the source code of the generator itself:

and my very old comment about how it all works:

The only special pcg-related thing there is Voronoi diagram, which I think now is not really necessary. So it's mostly generic geometric stuff and random numbers :)