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.+* ༄ As Harumi rubbed her eyes, she would turn her head slightly her body distinctively moving as well. She saw a beautiful chandelier, with a comfy vintage looking couch next to it. A large mirror hanged at the wall as well she looked at her face and held her cheek by her left hand. Harumi would giggle slightly staring at her body slightly she would twirl. Her dress moving along with her. She would stop and gave a quaint bow. Looking around the small Living Room for an exit perhaps. Or maybe Harumi just wanted to explore more before leaving. Either or it didn't quite matter to her! She was free as a bird in this moment. There was no chain on her neck like in hell. Once, is all. That one time she did go to hell . . yet that moment can never be forgotten. So what's the point in trying to hide the misery, the looks of sorrow on there face. It made her terrified she wanted to scream in pain. Yet that was one side, and one side alone hell is so much bigger and hugger and everyone is suffering there own fates. What's the point of it anyway? Despite her feeling she'd climb up onto the couch the pillow falling slightly to the side. Harumi would touch the glass, and stare at her face more, and more. She was surprised she looked this way even after 1000's of years. She had been here living and yet still had these looks. Not one detail changed. She didn't even realize, after it had been all these years. She was a ghost . . . living in such a body it was so fun. Now she had to go the guards in the, ''Guardian Angel's Cathedral'' came to hurry her along. Her ''Superiors'' waited to long now it is time back to the Human World. Where everything was beautiful at least she had thought it reminded her of a ''Golden Castle'' ♥︎ *+.

Yeh I'm not that detailed so uhhhhhhhhh-Katashi's still sleeping 

(1 edit)

☆ ( Lmao, I know I am a bit over the top sometimes! I just want this roleplay to be good! ~ ) ♡︎

(I know it definitely will be-) 

☆ ( So like people said I could write books in roblox so how about now? Is this a book to you or what?! ) ♡︎

(NoT tOdAy SaTaN-don't ask me for writing advice, you won't like the answers you get-my mom's an english teacher, I have been well trained to completely destroy people's writing-don't make me use my powers-) 

☆ (There is nothing you can do mwahaha! I am the one writing so much more then you! Where has all that english got you nowhere! You must write longer details on meaningless things like me >: D ) ♡︎

(NO-I wrote a college essay today child, don't make my braincells do anymore-)

(1 edit)

.+* ༄ Harumi would be pushed into a large greenish portal. It was to the human world when she awoke it was in a beautiful green scenery. A bunch of trees and shadows. Light a shining in thy very eye. It almost blinded her as she once said, ''A Golden Castle'' that is what it reminded her of. At least the sun did . . everything else was much more beautiful then just a ''Golden Castle'' much more. Her hands would twitch and move in front of her eyes. It seemed to twitch even more in front of her as her left arm would move in front of her left eye. Seeming to block the view of the sun. She would mutter, '❀' Am I going crazy? Or is this the sunlight.. thy stories told me. Of light that shined so bright! It hurt thy eyes like an open door. Everything is beautiful when first seen I still can't take my eyes off this world . . . '❀' She'd cover her mouth with her left hand. Noticing that she talked though not even knowing why she did. She also felt a slight itch at her back. She would grab her back and it was hair, soft straight hair. She would squish it slightly it was so soft and yet messy at thy same time. Something only known to be given to Guardian Angels and, Sinful Guardian Demons. A body in the human world, a real body they could switch from dead and alive in an instant. It was so simple to understand. Yet nothing seemed simple to Harumi everything was so new like she never even had done this before. It was her first time she was a bit of a newbie. A Rookie Angel Guardian as they say. Something that forgets it's mission moments from stepping into the Human world. Harumi was just so shocked at it's beauty . . . ♥︎ *+.

Katashi hears a soft and gentle voice and starts to wake up a bit, yawning and stretching 

.+* ༄ Harumi would slap her cheeks with both her hands. and shake her head slightly. She still couldn't help but gaze as she would explore around the forest area ahead. It was more then meets the eyes of course as she would get into a clearing. She saw a beautiful bridge with cherry trees following it. It seemed so magical so she'd walk along it the creaking of the wood felt nostalgic to her in a way she could never comprehend. Though still walking the path carefully she would smile hearing each creak of thy wood. However, not at all knowing why she was smiling so much . . .♥︎ *+.

As she crosses over the bridge, a chill runs down her spine, causing her smile to fade away...the air feels stale in this part of the woods, the trees bare, skinny branches reaching for the sky, as if they were pointing accusatorily at the heavens themselves. There are no sounds, no signs of life, naught but the wind whispering, calling out the names of gods long forgotten, chanting in tongues that none could understand.  


( Is that for- Katashi or Harumi which is it o.o))

(I used she pronouns-so Harumi-Katashi is male presenting lol)


(Yeah I do that too friend-)

.+* ༄ Harumi would look at the dark and creepy forest ahead. As such she would run, and run and she just kept running. She wouldn't stop terrified of the Creepy woods that awaited on that bridge she just ran in random directions, left, right, up, down. Everywhere around! Until Harumi would reach something as gorgeous as the sea . . . ♥︎ *+.

It was Katashi-his blue eyes were like small ocean pools, drawing her in. He wasn't directly facing her and didn't notice her, but he was reaching for his sycthe, pretty sure there was someone else in the woods.

.+* ༄ Harumi would notice a person perhaps a Sinful Guardian Demon? Could it be that she was attracting to his eyes? The eyes of thy person were gorgeous. Though she was notified that he had a scythe a long one bladed scythe. She was at first entranced yet snapped out of it her feet stopped moving and she would look at him. With great interest in her beady eyes. She would call out, '❀' Hello . . who are you? Are you a Sinful Guardian Demon perhaps. I am an angel and you seem to resemble that of a demon . . '❀' she waited for a response though still terrified since she was a Rookie . . . ♥︎ *+.


He shifts his gaze and looks at her. He just-bursts out laughing 

"Pffffft-'Sinful guardian demon'-damn, you angel fuckers really are pretentious!"