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As she crosses over the bridge, a chill runs down her spine, causing her smile to fade away...the air feels stale in this part of the woods, the trees bare, skinny branches reaching for the sky, as if they were pointing accusatorily at the heavens themselves. There are no sounds, no signs of life, naught but the wind whispering, calling out the names of gods long forgotten, chanting in tongues that none could understand.  


( Is that for- Katashi or Harumi which is it o.o))

(I used she pronouns-so Harumi-Katashi is male presenting lol)


(Yeah I do that too friend-)


.+* ༄ Harumi would look at the dark and creepy forest ahead. As such she would run, and run and she just kept running. She wouldn't stop terrified of the Creepy woods that awaited on that bridge she just ran in random directions, left, right, up, down. Everywhere around! Until Harumi would reach something as gorgeous as the sea . . . ♥︎ *+.

It was Katashi-his blue eyes were like small ocean pools, drawing her in. He wasn't directly facing her and didn't notice her, but he was reaching for his sycthe, pretty sure there was someone else in the woods.

.+* ༄ Harumi would notice a person perhaps a Sinful Guardian Demon? Could it be that she was attracting to his eyes? The eyes of thy person were gorgeous. Though she was notified that he had a scythe a long one bladed scythe. She was at first entranced yet snapped out of it her feet stopped moving and she would look at him. With great interest in her beady eyes. She would call out, '❀' Hello . . who are you? Are you a Sinful Guardian Demon perhaps. I am an angel and you seem to resemble that of a demon . . '❀' she waited for a response though still terrified since she was a Rookie . . . ♥︎ *+.


He shifts his gaze and looks at her. He just-bursts out laughing 

"Pffffft-'Sinful guardian demon'-damn, you angel fuckers really are pretentious!" 

.+* ༄ Harumi would look at you shyly yet had such a comforting smile. She would answer, '❀' I'm sorry for disturbing you . . I didn't mean it I swear. You may be a demon, but- but! I think Demons and Angels could get together one day as friends, lovers, family, anything! Why should there be some barrier. You may not think I am right for thinking that nobody does . . but! I won't listen to anyone! '❀' She seemed so petite and very cute. She knew what it was like to be wholesome though she would even stare you directly in the eyes with all her passion. She was not even kidding at all . . . ♥︎ *+.

He's a bit taken aback by this, and his eyes widen a bit 

"I...damn, ok-you talk...a lot." 

(1 edit)

.+* ༄ Harumi would giggle, she had a cute smile and then said a bit quietly yet you could hear it well enough, '❀' I'm sorry . . i'll try not to talk much anymore. I didn't m- mean it. '❀' ♥︎ *+.

"Ah-it's ok..." 

He grabs his scythe-he probably SHOULD go do some real work-he's just kinda procrastinating right now 

.+* ༄ Harumi would just sit on the ground awkwardly and then her wings would arise out of her back and she'd carefully start to fly upward waving goodbye to you. She didn't do much that day in earth. How could she. She was just to entranced . . . ♥︎ *+.