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Thank you much for your kind words and feedback! I´m very happy to hear that you liked it!

The filter seems to be blurrier in some screens and resolutions vs anothers. Also I had put it becuse I like the blurry graphics of old consoles in old tvs but not many people share that view,  that is why I decided to make it optional.

The message bug was pointed before, I should have fixed it many months ago... I was waiting because I planned to make a major update of the game but at the end I had no time for that and I forgot about fixing bugs... my fault... I will try to fix it some day. In any case it says " You´ll never return the Chalice to the Church".

Concerning the chalice run, the advice I can tell you is to take it easy without hurrying at all, the screen shake, acelerated music and spikes coming out of the floor in the first rooms may make you run, but after you get to the Collapsed Cave (I have just found a typo in the room name) go slowly and don´t get too worried about the Demon, if you go calmly it is very easy to avoid his shoots. For me the Unholy Basilica is more difficult.

Thanks again for commenting! :)