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If there's three things I love about this game, it's that the sound effects and graphics are beautifully unsettling, the movement system is hard to master, but not so hard that it's frustratingly punishing, and the mechanics work together to make really tense moments. When I first booted up the game, I had troubles with how my mouse was interacting with it, since I have two monitors and my cursor was stuck on one of them, but while I was trying to fix it, I legitimately felt anxious just listening to the man cough vigorously, and watching the pool of blood under him grow larger as the parasite borrowed towards his brain. When I finally got everything working, I wasn't the best at running from the monsters and quickly managing my syringes and bullets, so I had to retry some of the levels a few times. But even though I knew what was coming, my heart never stopped racing whenever I had to run away or frantically load my gun while monsters were tailing me. Overall, this is an amazing game jam game, and a perfect example of how to do survival horror right.