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Aight, here are my two cents buddy.  

First off, nice to see a demo of this, I've been looking forward to it tbh.

  • The motion blur is very very aggressive, now I'm on a very low end/ bad specs machine, maybe it is much smoother on other machines. I found it to be a bit excessive. 
    • I did remove it myself after checking the options menu. Huge props, really great to see effort being put into the options 
  • The dash is a bit jaggy, like it feels almost like the distance is too long. When dashing it felt like I ended up way way far away, almost to the point of it being a bit hard to predict where a dash would take me.
  • The impale with the spear is really neat. Though one on one makes it a easy win since enemies can't attack. Also, impaling the first game on the spear makes all of the other npcs freak out and spinn around

I like the style and the effects are really superb, I also kinda like the aesthetic of being in a shady part of a modern city, kinda getting a dmc3 vibe from it. Keep work hard!

Thanks for playing!

  1. Right now motion blur is using version 1 of Unity's post-processing stack. Once I upgrade to version 2, it'll probably look better.
  2. It's basically the distance of a roll/evade in Dark Souls (I think), but I could tweak it in the future. I'm also thinking of making a passive upgrade to allow a quick tap on the dash button to make a short distance dash, and holding it would make a longer distance dash. But since the RPG part of the game is not implemented yet, they're just plans for now.
  3. I'm actually wondering if spear impale (and other charged attacks) would require some mana cost of some sort, or maybe it has limited times you can use it. I haven't planned that part yet.
  4. I'm not sure about the NPCs spinning around, if you can record it in video I could look into it. Though I do have a bug where they keep turning and doing their walk animation even though I programmed them to stand still.
  5. You're the second person to have mentioned DMC to me recently, I should probably get back to playing it!