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Ok, you need to work on some of the AI because it is good at times, and other times it feels like your getting screwed. For example, I can be alone in a room with someone I am about to kill then out of nowhere comes another person and I getting kicked out.  Then at other times for no good reason, I will get voted off. For example, no one saw me kill anyone and no one saw me leave. Then there are other times where the computer can literally see me walk out of a room where I have just killed someone and I don't get voted off or I can vent right behind an AI and they don't do anything.  There were even a couple of games where I almost literally killed someone in front of them and nothing happens to me. These are just some of the bugs I noticed but I love this game hate that I have to go do other things and stop playing it because I really really enjoy it. Thank you so much for making this version of it. Just question you ever going to add the other mode where I can choose to complete tasks instead.


Yeah, I agree with most of what you're saying, but it has come a long way since the first A.I and me improving it would just start to break things. I'm currently working on remastering most aspects of the game (A.I and voting included) so please be patient.

also after playing it for a while now like almost all night. I notice there is a lot of times where I am ejected and I don't know why like I will kill someone and then use the vents to be far away from the corpse and then when the body is discovered I am getting kicked out and it is like why no one saw me do it I was far away by the time they found the body so why is it kicking me off this happens a lot in this game where you will die or be defeated and your left scratching your head as to why.

It's completely random if they have no evidence