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Nice little game! Funny sounds, I will admit I had way too much fun spamming spacebar and hearing all the "pew". Game is simple and easy to understand. However, as someone else has pointed out, I'd like to have some sort of indicator of asteroids coming out of my vision. Most of the damage was dealt without me seeing it. Also a different sound for being hit vs breaking an asteroid would make it clearer of what's happening. Finally, the spawn distance might be a bit too short. One of my run I got hit not even 2 seconds after the game started from an asteroid behind me (I instantly moved around when the game started and never saw it). Linked to this would also be the rotating speed, you can sometime simply not rotate fast enough to see an asteroid behind you and break it, though I do understand that rotating too fast would make the aiming nearly impossible (maybe have a front and back view that you can switch with a button?).

In the end, this was still a fun little cute game. Good job :)