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(2 edits)

Looking good so far. The only things I had to do at the start was get rid of all the nasty swear words and change them to nicer words. Sorry, but I am really not a fan of swearing. Never seen the point. It spoils the game for me. Not too keen on the backgrounds, either (looks like they were done in MS paint,) even though in the photos here some of the backgrounds look really good. Bit of a mixture I guess. Also, I had to completely disabled the skip feature as I really do hate that feature. But, sppsrt from that, it's the story really that counts in the game and so far so good. Really enjoying it.  Met Chris, Jenny and Kate and gone into my office for the first time. Hope it continues this way. 


thank you for the feedback :)

I will try to reduce the number of swearwords, I see your point!

Backgrounds are this way because it lets me blend renders with real world images, guess it is a matter of taste :)

Thanks for the reply. Fair enough about the renders, and, yes, I guess it is a matter of taste. I just been spoilt with games that have almost photographic quality renders. As for the swear words, again, personal preference.