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If you don't think charging head first into certain doom is a dumb decision, I don't know what to tell you. Almost every horror protagonist is guilty of doing this. Otherwise, the games/movies would be over as soon as you start them. The ONLY relatable thing they could do is say "NOPE fuck this I'm out," but where is the fun in that? Play Man Of Medan and tell me all those characters are flawless, relatable human beings who always make good decisions and don't do stupid things that cause harm to others. That is one of THOUSANDS of horror games with flawed protagonists that make outlandish decisions that would never take place in reality. You're looking WAY too deep into a 10 minute indie horror game and taking one aspect of it to heart for no good reason, and applying a fictional character's stupid move to a real world scenario that could never happen. And just because you don't like the game doesn't absolve you of criticism when you start hurling personal insults at the developer. There are a lot of games on this website that present FAR WORSE situations than this one, so you're in for a rude awakening if you decide to play more.