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(1 edit) (+1)

As a fan of three mobas (SMITE, HotS, and a little LoL), this scares me with how good it is. I love the execution of the theme and you did a really good job with the text system. Do you hate junglers though? Or is it commentary on a meta? Cause all the junglers are trash, lol. I would recommend putting a players handbook or out of game description of each character if you decide to continue working on this project.

Haha, thanks for playing! I don't hate junglers, but I haven't played LoL in a while and from what I remember, junglers didn't have as much impact on the outcome of the game as mid, top, and bot lane. So, when generating the stats, I made the junglers (and supports) have a lower average skill level. To balance that out, supports and junglers have faster queues.

I agree, having like a handbook or something where you can look up stats without having the pressure of a countdown would help a bit with the information overload issue. Thanks again for trying it out!