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My first jam as well! I'm curious as to what engine you used. Did you just code it all by hand in java?

(1 edit)

Yes, I coded everything by hand, It was around 1700 lines of code.  Maybe it would be better to use a game engine, but I have tried Unity and did not like how it worked.  I used 'JFrame' to actually make the window and used 'Canvas' to write to it.    The code is somewhat messy, but I could give you the source if you wanted.


I did something very similar for a final project in highscool using the same libraries. Awesome job! It could not have been easy to code an engine from scratch in 72 hours.


lol, I know    ;)    I was making my own engine earlier this month using OpenGL, but it was not finished or even ready for use when this jam started so I had to do everything from the beginning.