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You can try to set the resolution manually by passing command line parameters, for example:

(Low resolution window) :

-screen-fullscreen 0 -screen-width 800 -screen-height 450

(Full HD fullscreen) :

-screen-fullscreen 1 -screen-width 1920 -screen-height 1080

Sorry for my late reply, I have been away for the holidays and got behind in replying.

Hi. I have the same issue as mentioned here but I don't know how to do this . All the earlier versions worked fine but something seems to have changed. Im running it on windows 10  64bit if that helps.



You mean you don't know how to add command line parameters to the EXE? Here you have an explanation:

(They are using a shortcut as example but it works the same with and EXE file. If you wish to create a chortcut, you can first right-click the EXE file and choose "Create shortcut", but it's not really necessary. It can be handy if you want to quickly be able to select several different resolution though).