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The concept is pretty good. The only bad thing is the lack of an option to delete notes. Things I suggest doing in the future: Copying text from notes; changing the theme of the tool; Unicode support (if possible).Also, I couldn't save notes.Saving is either broken or not yet implemented (I didn't look into the code (even if I did, I wouldn't understand anything)).


You should be able to delete notes by selecting them and clicking the “Delete” key. If you’re currently editing the note, the “Delete” key will instead remove characters ahead of the cursor. You can also undo deleting notes by pressing Ctrl+Z.

You should be able to save (using Ctrl+S).

To create a new file (which should allow you to save), create an empty text file named, say: “” (without quotes). Then drag and drop the file onto the app which will load the file. Add notes and press Ctrl+S to save. Otherwise it’ll save in the default spot: %appdata%/Akciom/L.I.N.K./

And there was Unicode support, but it must of broke at some point (now its just throwing errors). I’ll have to look in to it.

Thank you for your feedback. Some of the features (especially text editing and loading/saving) were done in quite a hurry so there’s likely some bugs I need to squash.

I also plan on adding more keyboard shortcuts and on screen buttons as well, but ran out of time for the jam’s deadline.


Thank you for reply.I think the saving problem was caused by unicode characters in file's path.


Nice to know. I’ll check it out. Thank you!