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oh god, very poor optimization, around 5 fps :)

Hello, thank you for feedback

may i ask for a little elaboration on the issue

What GPU do you have?

Did you install the UE4 prereqs in "Game folder/Engine/Extras/Redist/en-us/" ?

At what point of the game the issue occurred?

Have you tried tweaking graphical settings?

The game was developed on a rig with RX580 and run with stable 30FPS, the game is a bit demanding due to graphical fidelity, but shouldn't give this low of a framerate

GTX 1070 - I just installed the game and tried it out, and it was from the start of the game. Had to quit early though.

The game might load texture mipmaps into memory for the first 30 seconds when the level is loaded, also make sure you have the latest drivers for your GPU (the game runs on DX12) also try disabling any external Vsync if present in GeForce Experience