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This game is amazing! The story is solid and I eagerly await for the next update for the game. Rarely I have found a visual novel where romance is not the centerpiece of it, Minotaur Hotel is about a story of healing, mending, and fostering bonds between guests. There are two guests that we have Kota and Luke with differing personalities, but they did not fall into stereotypes which is something I loved. Each guest has a story that we just started to learn and you cannot help but be intriqued in what is occurring in the background.

I downloaded the nsfw version, you click on the middle of it. In that version it gives you the option to continue with nsfw or allow a sfw patch to be over it.  It would be amazing if people take a shot at this game because it is well written. I haven't found many errors, only the grammatical one where commas are outside of the quotation, but that is it.


Thank you, your comment is very kind. Knowing you like the guests is very nice, and I hope you enjoy what we have in store for the next build!