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I never knew Santa was so short! Great job on the submission, one comment I have is that I wasn't sure where I started at the beginning, perhaps some kind of vignette around the screen at the start to draw attention may help. 

On a smaller note, keep an eye on your sense of scale when building up a level, I would imagine the woman in the scene has a hard time getting through the door! 

We appreciate your feedback a lot!

I fully agree with your first point, and admit that I didn't think about it, haha. I imagine it could be hassle to find our little Santa. The scale was rather intentional as a hint to indicate that she wouldn't be able to pass through doors, and she moves fast between two smaller waypoints -- which makes it harder to dodge from her and would make her STRONGER in a sense.

Thank you for trying out our game, and hosting this awesome event liamsorta. We had a great fun making this game and playing others' works!