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(1 edit)

SPOILER WARNING-----------------------------I think I speed through it but I feel like I was there Damn keep up the good work and I hope to see the next installment Sky Rocket I cant believe I finished it in one day It made me cry when the mc died 


me: scrolling through the comments to see if the game is good

*someone doesnt put a spoiler waring*

also me: welp i guess im not playing this game

I forgot to even put a spoiler warning I'm so sorry I'm going to edit the post to have a spoiler warning for people who don't want spoilers again I'm sorry.

The MC's death depends on the choices you make. There are 3 possible endings.

Wait... 3?! Please enlighten me.

(1 edit)

1 bad (as DakotaJack found), and 2 good. There is a bit of difference in the good endings but nothing major. You need to make better choices.

If you like to have the story narrated I would recommend the following youTuber (he did all of Adastra, Khemia, and Interea as well as other VNs). I think he does a great job:

What's the bad ending? My ending is that the MC brought back to life, but instead to spend 8 years apart

I don't play these type of games to see the bad ending first (as some like to do), I just play according to my nature. As such I don't know all the details except for what has been posted in the forums. Also I don't like to do spoilers so you will have to dig through the forum for more answers. That said however, the ending you got is one of the good ones from my understanding.

You might also find some answer in the Khemia and Interea forums as well since they often discuss players experiences from Adastra.

Understandable. Very much appreciate it