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To start, I really like the aesthetics in this game. It works quite well with the dystopian theme. So a short review of this game:


  • This game has an interesting story with good suspense. It is cryptic and the player will have to piece out what really happened. I want to find out more about this August and his people.
  • Battles are quite balanced. This is for players who like strategy and resource management. It is impossible to get far in this game if the player does not manage his medicines and using the torso redistribute hp.
  • Fantastic artwork! Custom enemies and cutscenes really build great atmosphere.


  • Too many random battles. Although the good part is you can run from most of them, which is what appears to be necessary. However, the player still needs to grind somewhat so the hero is strong enough to face the bosses. This takes up a lot of time, and I think you should decrease the number of this so the player gets to see more of the story.
  • As there appears to be no “full heal inn” available, and the self-healing mechanism is quite slow, your hero has limited resources at his disposal. I suppose a player could find a weak enemy and use the regeneration skills to fully heal, but it takes quite a while and is risky. A very good time for this would be on the train. When the hero sleeps you should fully heal the player I think. I remember waking up from that sleep in the same after boss weak condition and feeling despaired that my hero is still very hurt and totally not ready for his new challenges.

Good job!