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9th level? I have a hard time making it past level 2 :D Mostly because I try to go to fast and then fall all the time :D
The drawing isn't too bad I'd say. Maybe a simple move animatiuon would be a good start. But for someone starting out this has a good base.

As for improvements:  I die a lot when running and trying to jump as it will not jump all the time. Maybe the ground check is just too strict for that. Also I for me the difference in speed between walking and running is too big. Walking feels like a snail and running is sometimes way to fast to control the player for me. Also after dying in level 2 and having to go back to level 1 was the point where I didn't want to play anymore. But I'm not very good in frustrating games and I know there are plenty of people who like them. So if that was intent I can understand