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This is the first game I've played, and it sets the bar extraordinarily high.

The gameplay is simple, but responsive and tight. It feels good.

The writing is succinct and funny.

Thematically on point.

My teammate played as well which revealed that it takes your choice about whether to kill things into account.

Polished to perfection.

My only nitpick is that the hero being invincible undermines the idea that he is lying about how strong he is. I felt if I did have to fight a wizard with a black hole spell, for example, I could just swing away at him with impunity and eventually win.


Thanks! My first time making a dialogue heavy game and I'm pretty proud of it. There were two reasons I decided to make the player invincible, one was to make it so that everyone could get to the next dialogue as fast as possible.  And to also make everything in the dungeon seem extremely weak, but I understand why you felt the opposite where it made the knight actually feel strong in comparison.