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The big problem is that the 60%/40% weighted average was never utilized by Clickteam/

If you took the 4.232 (60%) overall of the "winning" entry and weighed what it deserves (1/5) (40%) against it, it would come out to a weighted average of 2.9392. If you gave LoadedTeaspoon's entry what it deserves, (about 3/5) it would come out with a weighted average of 3.6630000000000003.

If you gave Dave C's entry what it deserves (5/5) it would come out with a weighted average of 4.1942.

Hopefully Clickteam will do right by the community and utilize the 60%/40% split that were a part of the rules.

Yes I know, but if you read what they said, they thought that the system would weight their clickteam vote to count for 40% but instead only counted for a single vote.