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I think this is the most incredible entry by far.  It feels like I'm playing a slice out of a game that could sit on the shoulders of some of the great retro platformers.  The boss fight was wonderful, the way you flipped the world and tied it to the going into his own hat.  This is a really dope game.

You should definitely consider finishing it, if this is what you accomplished in a few days, I can't imagine how fast you could complete a good 4 stages and just polish it off.  Just incredible to see that peeps can do this so fast.. Also the fact that ur just the one dude drives me bananas... specially if you made everything from scratch.

Anyways, amazing effort, this shit is criminally underrated, wtf

Would love if you could share some of ur thoughts/rate mine as well!

Thank you so so much for your feedback, the boss fight was a mess to code and make sure it was fair (i had only 2 hours left to make it lol), and yeah, I did everything from scratch besides the music,  I really can't compose lmao.

Maybe I'll finish and launch it someday, who knows.


No worries, I'm sure whatever you do pour your skills into will come out great, I'll be waiting ;)