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I'm having a lot of fun with my cover. I've got some pretty neat stuff to show off. 

Starting with the Cover:


Then here are some tables:

Really all that's left to do is to create a few more tables, including one that converts a d20 to give Magic 8-Ball answers, so that way the player won't have to go out and buy their own Magic 8-Ball. (The 8-Ball is a core mechanic that determines among other things, whether or not the client should invest in a stock and whether that stock rises or falls) 

Some fun design notes! 
1) The cover contains an homage to both "The Wolf of Wall Street" and "American Psycho" - can you figure out how? 
2) The tables are created using libre office's spread sheets. Libre office is a free open source alternative to Microsoft Word, which employs similarly scummy subscription based models for their software. You can get it here yourself: