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Thanks for the feedback, I'll look into the Celia texts to add more and clarify 

About Servilia and Cornelia, also I will look where there was a mix up but Servilia is the one of love and Cornelia discipline and order. This is kinda easy to remember since Servilia derives from servant, and well, she loves to serve :P 

About alchemy in game, if you mean by what there is in the laboratory, it is still WIP. I am actually focusing on these features right now, polishing first the workers/slaves system for next update, but once that's done, we'll go through the laboratory and things related to alchemy and magic. 

If you can pin point more exactly what texts are confusing we can edit them / rewrite parts of it, as you did with Celia, otherwise there is too much to know exactly where to look at, although I agree old texts really need to be edited, and I might look into it once the game is a little bit more polished

About mixing: I thought and coded it so you could mix things, sadly the art required for this is too expensive and it surpasses the budget we have. I am going soon to rewrite the description of characters though, so maybe if its only text based I can do something. 

About the demonic muscle girls: Well, same problem than above. As of late we are struggling monetarily, it will take us a couple of months to recover and then we'll start to commission art again. 

The post was good, thank you for your feedback and if you have further things to add, feel free to add them! 

(3 edits)

Well, there is a few more things I wanted to ask about. Just what is corruption and it's effects? Does it effect just the mind or the body as well? Why is it dangerous in-universe to speak about corruption? 

Also, speaking of corruption, I have just the most difficult time getting my player character corruption level higher than 3. I have been making corrupt decisions as often as I can, and still it sits at 3. Have I missed something or what?

Thank you for answering and may you have a even more prosperous day than yesterday.


We've been working on the lore of the corruption, it's something that will be more detailed in the next chapter. It does mostly affects the mind. And more than dangerous, it is a tool that's been used to create chaos and destabilise regions; is not bad in itself, but it disrupts nations 

It's weird that the character is not raising corruption. It shouldn't be difficult for that matter, maybe something is bugged, I need to check it out. If anything, I should also just make that some decisions make you more corrupt through the story 

No problems and thanks for the feedback, cheers