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Well, everyone loves a good Peggle game, don't they?  A full blown bunch of people worked on this game right here, so give them some love! The graphics were excellent, and the audio was straight out of the studio, it was that fresh. Aside from everything else being perfect, there were some minor quirks. I kind of forgot about the right flipper, and when I remembered about it, I couldn't get it to work. I was playing in the browser version, so that might only be partial to my computer or be different in the exe. Reason why this is important is because you can get the ball sitting on the flipper itself near the bucket, and that makes the camera go into super slow-mo. Because in my browser I couldn't flip, I was virtually stuck and had to restart if I ever ended up there. Level 4-6 also had a bit of frame drop, probably because of all the pegs, but clearing a couple fixed it back up. This was a very well made game, and I hope you're proud of yourselves (also I managed to get a score of 6000, beat that everyone else).