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This was a really interesting experience. I hope to see more :D

1) Yes. It felt as though my choices mattered more, and that I only had one chance to do whatever it was I wanted to do.

2) Well, SAL I thought was like in a sci-fi movie. A robot with white, glossy metallic outsides and coiled, twisted wires, with eyes that blinked and mouth that moved. A voice that sounded feminine, but not quite human. Ash, I thought looked like any other guy. Dark haired, fair skinned, tall and handsome. Perhaps not too good with expressing how he feels, but likeable ^^ I did immediately think of SAL as a female and Ash male, but after playing it, I thought "why can't Ash be female and SAL male? Why can't they both of the same gender, of sorts?" It's interesting really :D

3) I'm afraid I don't remember all of my Answers, but here goes: I went along with first telling Ash that SAL did truly love him. But when the "I lied" bit came up, I thought perhaps it was better to say it was all a lie. I told Ash that SAL needed time to think when the final decision to take it slow or to stop came up, hoping that perhaps there was another "day", but I suppose not ^^;;

4) I liked this point of view. Not often do you play as a robot, nor do you, as a robot, often tell that you love a certain someone. The choices were rather interesting too ^^ I think the music didn't fit too well with this game, but I didn't really mind it much.

5) This game made me feel rather uncertain. There's always this lingering thought that maybe I should've said something else, or maybe I shouldn't have said something, though there were moments where I thought my choice seemed safe, or right.

6) Yes, for sure. I would like to see where this goes ^^
As for a follow-up, perhaps another day where Ash talks to SAL, with some interesting news - he found someone else.
It does sound a bit dramatic, now that I think about it xD

7) It can go several ways, but I'd like to think that SAL will grow to like Ash even more as time passes.

8) It's too short xD 
It is a game jam, so I do understand, but yeah, I'd love to see more out of this. I believe extending this game with a longer story, or a more compelling one could get players to feel more deeply for these characters, and thus choices would be harder to make - if a game that leaves players second guessing themselves all the way through is what you aim for that is :D
Random game I thought of while playing this: He Beat Her

Thanks for playing! :) I'm glad you liked it.

That follow-up does sound quite dramatic!  We'll see where the next game eventually goes. . .

"I'd like to think that SAL will grow to like Ash even more as time passes."  I hope so. :)

I would like to make "more of this" in the future. ;) If I may ask, what do you mean by extending the game with a longer/more compelling story?