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First update to the public release version 1.0 is now available. Here is the changelog:

Version 1.1.1499

- Optimized the painting engine; faster performance and increased painting accuracy
- Added the Experimental options tab, moved the line drawing settings here
- Implemented the Process Priority and Painting Engine Thread Priority options
- Implemented the Engine Cycle delay, ReClick Control delay, and Mouse Up delay options
- Added the AutoSavePainting option to automatically save the painting when completed
- Fixed the Apply button not enabling when changing the default background color
- Fixed the Auto Screenshot option not loading/saving in the Options UI
- Implemented keyboard adjustment for the coordinates capture overlay
- Improved the UpdatePalette function to provide feedback to the user
- Added the color picker to the Palette Manager to quickly locate a color in the image
- Added the question popup when painting an image with a non-default background color
- Implemented the remember paint controls area coordinates functionality
- Implemented the Create Blank Image feature on the main UI context menu
- Added the Background Color option to the Painting Preview context menu
- Added an in-app tip to the Painting Preview UI