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I edited your code a little so it the text won't be erased if the notepad window closed or if the unity editor itself closed.

hope you don't mind :)

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Oh! Maybe it behaves differently on windows, cause on mac it seems to remember fine without EditorPrefs? But using EditorPrefs makes sure that you won't lose a note anyway, so I'll be updating the package to have this right now! Thanks! :D

EDIT: OKAY found a big problem with this! EditorPrefs stay consistent across ALL projects so... I just accidentally lost a ton of notes. But it's cool, uploading a small update that saves with a unique key to each project. Whatever, those notes probably weren't important anyway... (THIS THING REALLY NEEDS AN UNDO BUTTON???) I think I'd like for this to save to a txt file, rather than EditorPrefs, if anything? Losing notes like that feels... bad. It'd also mean that notes can get saved w/ git pushes. If v0.3 is uploaded, I've added this

(1 edit)

wow sorry just checked your reply, I rarely check heheh

what a coincidence. I edited the v.0.1 code further and added Undo capability , even though it's not perfect it's quite useful for me right now . heheh

it's great that you still update this tool. do you have any plan to upload this project to github? :D

Sweet, added it! Seems to work fine.

And yeah, I should probably use github for this! Just not sure how to set it up for one asset, actually? I've currently got all my Unity assets in one project file that I save to bitbucket...

do not upload the unity package, instead upload the project itself. its easier that way

just add this gitignore to your project , git init, add, commit, push to github and you're ready to go

I'll gladly help you if have any problem with it :)