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So far loving this game is different from all the other visual novels that I have played in the past as soon as a very little touchy the soundtrack freaking amazing, great details on the characters and the game and one person she did a fantastic job.

Keep up the great work developer, you truly the amazing job this game is totally inspiration, inspiring, emotional, powerful truly it's totally different from all the other visual novels I played this set an impact right here.

Complete this game last night men got the true ending the game.

Full review

Start off say this game was amazing everything about the cast and crew music do beautiful here it play in the game.

Made big impact on me definitely true inspiration to cast dealing with a personal issue blind and other depression to help each other that was amazing also.

Made Dream come true and special way too.

Love details in game graphics were amazing different locations in also amazing.

Other cast members were totally amazing also both parents in the game also amazing.

Teacher were amazing too.

Haruka, she was amazing dealing with the blind issue, she made improabaleDream for that

When she had a major breakdown that made the big impact even the real life world 🌎

Do Recommend this game absolutely you will fall in love with this game.

Special thanks to the developers you have done an amazing job impact lot of people now.


Whatever next project going to be here to support.

Thank you so much for the kind words! It really means a lot! 💜

Definitely it was an honor and a privilege to experience your amazing game