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Deleted 3 years ago

There is actually an animated version of Russell's intro CG on Day 11, so it's certainly not unreasonable that we could do it for intros. As for going back and reworking previous sex scenes with animations, that will all come down to time. We're pretty busy and have a long list of things we want to get done, but if we find the time...

will the next update tai be the top and not the bottom? Sry I wasnt excepting him to bottom at all lol. Anyway amazing update 

For the next scene with Tai, we have something a little different in mind... we haven't quite gotten that far yet, though. 


I just want him to top lol

omg diego and kyrex actually have a sex scene? i've been playing diego's route, but i haven't encountered a scene between diego and kyrex (´ε` ) .

Kyrex has one, but not with Diego. That being said, that sort of thing is what we're shooting for post 1.0 when we release the Tales mode. One of the ideas on our list is to go back to when they first got together and show where it all went wrong. So perhaps in time you'll get that? 

That's very interesting! Will the Tales Mode be an in-built feature in the game? (That's so awesome!)

Wait there's a kyrex sex scene?????

There is. Do his sideplots every chance you get.

It's in Diego's route?

Any route.