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What are the hardware specifications of your Android device? How much RAM do you have and how much free space?

I am running 6gb of ram and have nearly 100gb of storage space free.

What kind of architecture, arm64? Are you running any security software? Do you have the issue with any other applications? 


For full specs I'm running a Galaxy S5E Tablet(6GB/128GB) version. I have Norton Mobile on the device but it is not active(everything disabled, no subscription). No issues with any other applications whatsoever.

Also, thank you for taking the time to speak with me about this. I really appreciate your attentiveness and hope that my issue isn't too troublesome and at least provides some insight. I have downloaded your game on my P.C. in the meantime and I'm enjoying it so far, I just hope I'm able to play on the tablet as well because, I believe understandably, I like to relax while playing.

Thanks and happy to hear you can at least play on Windows. I think that device should be able to run the game. Do you have trouble running other Ren'Py games? Without logs it's a little hard to track down issues like these, where the game doesn't even start.

I'm relatively new in my exploration of these types of games, so I can't say for certain if I've played other Ren'Py games. I'll do some research and let you know if I have, but thus far the other games I have played, at least on, have all loaded and played fine on my tablet. I am sorry that I don't have much information to provide you with to help you figure the issue out.