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Howdy! I just put in ~1 hour into your demo. Please don't take any of this as personal. Here are some observations/ thoughts.

  • Potential bug? I downloaded the game and started it. It went to a screen with Artin talking to me. I realized I wanted some music, so I quit the game (Alt + tab out, then manual close). When I came back, the scene didn't play. Instead, it went to the main menu. I wiped the player prefs in AppData/LocalLow, but I couldn't get that scene back. I'm playing on Windows 10.
  • At the beginning of the game, the textbox says "Write with a pen. . . " I tried to use a mouse to write a name. . . until I realized it was just to type in! It might help to have a different instruction in the box.
    • In line with this, I don't understand why the player writes their name. Once I select a new file, it asks me to write a name again. And then I think I'm assigned a pre-defined name during the game (I didn't see my name during the boss battle).
  • You got good particle effects! The squishiness of the player, the breaking test tubes. . . I enjoyed these interactions. The hit rate is a bit high (I played as a mage), as it took a min of 4 charged hits to kill anything, though.
  • In settings, under Audio, I like that I have instant feedback with the music slider. Unfortunately, the SFX option does not play an effect to let me know the volume level. You can add an Event Trigger component to the Slider. Then choose "OnEndDrag" and drag in a GameObj with a script that has a function that plays a sound effect.
  • In the menu, there are several instances of "It can't be . . . ". The text is hard to read against the background. Perhaps white text with black outlines? You can use TextMeshPro to add outlines. Or use a script like
  • In the demo, there wasn't anything to tell me how to jump. I almost quit at the first obstacle because I thought it was the end of the demo. Unless I missed a sign, then ignore this.

Overall, I enjoy a good Souls-like. You've done a great job with the movement and particle effects. I like the visual style. . . it's simple, but off-putting. . . a lot like Undertale. I had a hard time with the combat, though. I died 3 times against the boss (which I LOVED the fight intro - don't change that), and several times I died while dodging (I was dodging the spikes that went up through the ground, one after another). Keep at it!

Daniel from Appa's Papas