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(8 edits)

Why IRC? Discord is much more user friendly and will help build your community much better! It even works on phones and the browser. I'm currently in that linked discord and they are super helpful. I wish they got official involvement :(

Integrating into your client is cool and all, so you can use the widget. But honestly just adding a link to your discord server from the client would be enough since it could open in a new tab.

Also to note there is currently a game dev league Discord server for all kinds of game devs, artists, and composers with about a thousand people in it concurrently but absolutely 0 Superpowers support/love. Lots of them even tried Superpowers but had a hard time getting started. <- invite to that server.

tl;dr: Discord is already a gamer targetted chat and you can leverage the fact that most gaming people already use it to grow your community. It is modern and works x-platform and x-device. It is a platform built for real-time chat and community building through the many community bots available. It offers all of IRC and more.