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Hey I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but when I try to play I get the message: "Unable to find file: Audio/SE/Decision3" which is fine cause I can just copy an audio file and rename it and then it works.

However I then receive the message "Unable to find file: Graphics/Tilesets/World_A1" which I have no idea how to fix and I don't even see a folder called graphics.

If you can help me out here at all I'd appreciate it because I remember really liking an earlier version that I played ages ago.

Sorry to be a bother.

Hi there! The game needs you to install some files to run (these are common to many VX Ace games). You can download them from here:

You know what I'm just dumb as hell, I had downloaded and extracted the RPG Ace thing and then just didn't run its exe.
Sorry for wasting your time, but thanks for responding.

It can happen to anyone. I hope you'll like the game! ^_^