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(3 edits)

guys so i wanna rp and i made 2 sisters that are demons and one brother thatś mortal,the mom was the demon and the dad was mortal the whole ¨they weren'supposed to fall in love¨ stuff didn't apply to them because,they were forced to fall in love..however..the mortal the kids dad,Kieri was supposed to end up killing her halfway through the wedding..but he actually hated her so he was about ready to kill her,then he saw why she was so cold..and hated love, it was cause her dad killed her mom when she was a young age she thought they're love was magical and perfect..but as she got older she could see her mom lost interest in him cause all terion did was cheat and she hated it, she wanted to leave but he would say things like ¨ill stop¨..¨you want our daughter to have a father figure..right¨..he was very manipulative and her mom, Zenire would stay cause either she fell for it or he was right she wanted her daughter to have a father figure..but then they started fighting when she was about 13, one day..she saw her mom and she was bruised and hit it was horrible for her to watch but she was always there for her mom until zenire started pushing her away, she came home that one night and witnessed her mothers death..her father was convicted guilty and he admitted it..The mom now her name was,Jiwn Huge the dad's name was Kieri Huge..they're kids(down below) names are Syni Huge(girls name the red one),Theri Huge(girls name the blue one),Dawin Huge..they were like regular kids no one tried killing them it was peaceful in hell but there weren't many people in hell, so they desperately wanted to go to the mortal world and they did..I wonder what would happen if they met people..who feel stuck or them..


Dawin Huge...up there 

Syni Huge up here 

Theri Huge up here 

(ill probably reply when i'm out of school but probably wont text back for an hour because my last class sucks and you have to focus on it but i will text back as soon as i can)

I can go for an rp

(k which one you want..?)

Dawin, Imma go make a character tho


you can start


Dawin was obviously new and he was walking down the street with his sisters is hands were in his pockets he saw girls but he didn´t pay attention he never looked up he just saw they´re feet but he kept walking trying to stay calm but it was very noisy outside so they saw a bookstore with barely people in it so he thought it was a good idea to go in there to get away from all  the noise  and calm himself

Kleo was also walking down the street listening to music and humming

They walked in and as soon as the warmth of the bookstore and the quietness hit him he looked up and smiled

¨ more like it..¨

Syni:it´s just a act like you haven´t seen one in so long..

Theri:let him be´re always so grumpy..

¨oh..uhm-..lets go sit down before this gets out of hand¨

she walks into the the bookstore and goes to the mystery section

Here's my girl Kleo (shes a deer)