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Dawin was obviously new and he was walking down the street with his sisters is hands were in his pockets he saw girls but he didn´t pay attention he never looked up he just saw they´re feet but he kept walking trying to stay calm but it was very noisy outside so they saw a bookstore with barely people in it so he thought it was a good idea to go in there to get away from all  the noise  and calm himself

Kleo was also walking down the street listening to music and humming

They walked in and as soon as the warmth of the bookstore and the quietness hit him he looked up and smiled

¨ more like it..¨

Syni:it´s just a act like you haven´t seen one in so long..

Theri:let him be´re always so grumpy..

¨oh..uhm-..lets go sit down before this gets out of hand¨

she walks into the the bookstore and goes to the mystery section

Darwin just laid down with his hands behind his head and just smilled 

"...softly Prisoner of Athgar...hmm.."

he heard someone say something but he knew he wasn't the only one in the book store so he ignored it

"...softly Dare.....these don't sound interesting"

Dawin got bored of laying down and he stood up and walked over to the fiction books and mystical books and smiled he look for book he was really happy that he was reading one of those books because he's always wanted to read one but they never had one in hell

"softly...I should go to fiction"
