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frankie  was still walking not really paying attention so she accidently bumped into her and frankie dropped all her stuff

" i'm sorry.."

{Amber trips a bit but she catches herself before she falls. She then turns around to look at you.}

"Don't be sorry! It's totally fine."

{She starts helping you pick up your stuff.}

"thank you your very sweet.."

she started picking up her books and she looked at you in your eyes and smiled

{Amber smiles back at Frankie.}

"It's no problem at all!"

"so your my next"

she smirked

"Haha... what do you mean victim?"

" you don't know..~"

she smirked at her

(i gotta go but ill be on tomorrow ;-;

{Amber blushes a bit.}

"W-well no I uh don't know."

(k have a good night love)

"well~..sometimes not knowing is a good thing~..only thing you need to know is.. you're mine~.."

(Helo I am back :D

{Amber blushes more.She then smiles awkwardly because she doesn't know how to react.}

"O-oh, well um that's n-nice."