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(k have a good night love)

"well~..sometimes not knowing is a good thing~..only thing you need to know is.. you're mine~.."

(Helo I am back :D

{Amber blushes more.She then smiles awkwardly because she doesn't know how to react.}

"O-oh, well um that's n-nice."

(hey love how are you doing?)

"you think that's nice huh..she mumbled..bottom.."

she smirked knowing she probably heard that

(I'm doing good :D how are you doing

"H-hey! I heard that!"

(mentally dead physically you eat today.?)


she took amber into a more of an alone place and pinned her against the surface, she whispered in her ear

"I don't care if you heard it princess it's true~.."

(why are you feeling dead >:( and no i did not eat today 🧍

{Amber blushes hard and then covers her face.}

"S-stop flirting with me." 

(because i feel like i'm depressed-..anyways..why didn't you eat need to go eat now.)

"'s not gonna happen..~"

she smirked and got closer too her she took her hand off her face and pinned her hand to the surface

(oh :( and i will go fix me something to eat 

{Amber face starts getting red.}

"You're such a tease."

(2 edits)

(good,It's great that you take care of your health love)

"well..I wouldn't have a personality if I wasn' sure..i figure you just find me attractive~..and wish I could fuck you~.. "

she smirked 

(I ate a bagel and it was good

"Well I do find you attractive, but don't you think that fucking me would be too much?"