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I love the idea of the mirror universe, and the story is intriguing. The character is moving way too slow in normal space on my computer, dragging the story down.

Originally, the character should move at the same speed in both dimensions (which is quite fast), from what I understand the original dimension is slowed down by the amount of objects (bad optimization) or is this a quote of taste and the character is too slow for you? 

And it's nice that you like the story :)


I wasn't sure if moving slowly was an intentional choice or a technical limitation. Glad it's the later; when there is a lot to explore I like to be able to experiment quickly by moving around a lot, the faster the better.

I was super intrigued by the dog bitting me in the alternate dimension, and that kept me going to figure the mystery out.

One small suggestion: it took me a while to realize which key to use to sit the dog (for some reason I didn't immediately recognize the space symbol even though I'm a programmer, that's embarrassing ahaha) so I would encourage you to spell out "Space" in letters instead so it's more accessible.

We can make walking a little faster, the only problem is rain that can be escaped at higher speed XP.

When it comes to space, it's probably a good idea, thanks.