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thats strange. Would you double check you are using same version of both plugins and Laigter?

I'm using Laigter 1.10.5 for windows, and the brushes for windows.

I'll check today and get back to you.

Thank you! Really enjoying Laigter! :)

Would you try now? first, delete the currently installed plugins with the toolbar button in Laigter, then redownload the files and try again. I just updated them.

Working now! Thanks so much!!

I have the same problem, with windows and the same version as jrockpsycho.

Would you try now? first, delete the currently installed plugins with the toolbar button in Laigter, then redownload the files and try again. I just updated them.

Also, it may worth trying when installing the new plugins i just uploaded, that if nothing happens press refresh plugins a couple times (sorry but sometimes happens)

Thanks for quick response, it is working now!

Cool! Im glad to help!