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Wow, great job finding all of them!!! I know that first one is pretty brutal. It’s thrilling to me to see dedicated players like you go in and uncover all the secrets! And thanks, I’m glad you had fun with it XD The secrets in the next games will be very well hidden, but won’t need codes from game to game. And yes, the next game will be digging deeper into the second secret and that scene at the end of the third game’s credits! Once again, I’m so happy you found them all! And even though you’re done with the games, if you want we can talk on Twitter or something. It’ll probably be a few months until the next game comes out, but I like to keep things rolling in the small community! Plus the anniversary of TWSTM is coming up in about a month...

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Actually, it's only available on that day! So good job managing to find it! I have discord-no server there(yet?) but we can PM there! As far as the anniversary goes, I won't be adding to the stairs but I do have some ideas in mind, I just need a little more time to think about it. My discord name/number is Michaela Thisten#8097. Can't wait to see you there, and once again, thank you so much for playing through all of my games!^^

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Ok, sounds great! I'll head over right now!