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I've completed all of the routes and I found some of them to end very abruptly, mainly the prince and Bastian. The female routes I didn't personally care for, I only completed them to get to the secret love interest but of the two I did prefer Sofia.

 I did think the price was a little high since the replayability is low and I found all of the routes very fast to complete. That being said it certainly isn't a waste of money and I'm happy to fund projects that I finish so it isn't too big of a deal.

I personally found the font very hard to read, especially with certain words as it looked a bit like a b reak (like that) between letters at times. The music is simple but I honestly thought it fit very nicely with the story and the time setting. The choices you have are very simple and don't seem to impact much so the main character felt a little flat but I am aware that it is something that comes with the territory. I would rather have a flat main character and better love interests than the other way around.  

The sprites are nicely drawn, it would have been nice to see the characters actually change clothes since it was mentioned almost every day that the main character had to change to get ready but the only time we change is during the play.

Over all I think it's a decent game, a good 6/10. I'll honestly look into the sequel even though the price is more than doubled, just because it says to be six times as long. With that amount of time playing the game I hope the price to experience would be more worth it


Many thanks for your feedback. I hope to address some of the issues you raised here in the sequel, so perhaps it will be more to your tastes. 

Many thanks for playing.